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cgi-bin common8071 wordnet-online


Definitions from the Web

Term: cgi-bin common8071 wordnet-online


The term "cgi-bin common8071 wordnet-online" refers to a directory commonly found on web servers used to store Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts. It is typically used to process data submitted from web forms and dynamically generate web content.

WordNet-Online, on the other hand, is an online lexical reference system that provides access to various lexical databases and allows users to search for words, their definitions, synonyms, and related concepts.


  1. CGI-Bin

    Sense: A directory on a web server used to store Common Gateway Interface (CGI) scripts.

    Sample Sentence: The website's contact form submission is processed through a script located in the cgi-bin directory.

  2. WordNet-Online

    Sense: An online lexical reference system providing access to lexical databases and word search functionality.

    Sample Sentence: WordNet-Online is a useful tool for finding synonyms and related words to expand your vocabulary.

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