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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cardsharper has 1 sense
  1. cardsharp, card sharp, cardsharper, card sharper, card shark - a professional card player who makes a living by cheating at card games
    --1 is a kind of card player; swindler, chiseller, chiseler, gouger, scammer, grifter, sharper, sharpie, sharpy

Definitions from the Web



A cardsharper is a person who is skilled at cheating in card games, especially by using sleight of hand techniques.


Sense 1:

Noun: a skilled individual who cheats in card games.

Example sentence: The cardsharper effortlessly manipulated the deck, gaining unfair advantage over the unsuspecting players.

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Sense 2:

Noun: a person who is highly proficient at playing card games, usually professionally.

Example sentence: Mike has always been a cardsharper, winning every poker tournament he enters.

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Sense 3:

Adjective: describing something that relates to or suggests cardsharps or their techniques.

Example sentence: The movie had a cardsharper vibe, with unexpected plot twists and strategic moves.

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