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Noun: Cantal refers to a type of semi-hard cheese made from cow's milk. It originates from the Cantal region of France and is known for its distinct flavor and creamy texture.

Sample sentence: The creamy Cantal cheese melts perfectly on warm bread.

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Noun: Cantal is also a term used to describe a kind of sedimentary rock that is commonly found in volcanic regions. It is characterized by its coarse grain and is often used for construction purposes.

Sample sentence: The buildings in the town are constructed with locally sourced cantal.

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Noun: In local slang, "cantal" can refer to a party or celebration, particularly in certain regions of Australia.

Sample sentence: We're having a cantal at the beach this weekend to celebrate their engagement.

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Adjective: Cantal can also be used as an adjective to describe something or someone related to the Cantal region in France.

Sample sentence: The cuisine at this restaurant is heavily influenced by Cantal traditions.

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