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Definitions from WordNet

Noun canella has 1 sense
  1. canella, canella bark, white cinnamon - highly aromatic inner bark of the Canella winterana used as a condiment and a tonic
    --1 is a kind of bark
    --1 is a part of
     wild cinnamon, white cinnamon tree, Canella winterana, Canella-alba

Definitions from the Web



Definition: A small tree native to the Caribbean, known for its fragrant bark.

Example: The canella tree is often used in the production of traditional perfumes.

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Definition: A spice made from the dried bark of the canella tree, used in cooking and baking.

Example: I added a pinch of canella to the recipe to give it a warm and aromatic flavor.

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Definition: Pertaining to or characteristic of the local population.

Example: The canella dance is a popular form of folk dance among the locals.

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