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Definitions from WordNet

Noun bowel has 1 sense
  1. intestine, bowel, gut - the part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus
    --1 is a kind of internal organ, viscus
    --1 is a part of abdomen, venter, stomach, belly
    --1 has parts: hindgut
    --1 has particulars: small intestine; large intestine

Definitions from the Web



Sense 1: The long, tube-like organ in the body that forms the lower part of the digestive system, responsible for absorbing water and nutrients from digested food before it is excreted as waste.

Example Sentence: She experienced discomfort in her bowel after eating a heavy meal.

Sense 2: The intestine, especially the large intestine.

Example Sentence: The doctor advised her to add more fiber to her diet to keep her bowels regular.


Sense: Relating to the bowels or the intestines.

Example Sentence: The patient complained of bowel discomfort.

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