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A Bosniak refers to a member of the Bosniak ethnic group, which is one of the three main ethnicities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The bosniaks, also known as Bosnian Muslims, primarily practice Islam and have their own distinct culture and language.

Part of Speech:



  1. A member of the Bosniak ethnic group.


Popular Usage:

In popular usage, the term 'Bosniak' refers to an individual belonging to the Bosniak ethnic group, particularly in the context of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Local Usage:

In local usage, 'Bosniak' is commonly used to describe someone who identifies themselves with the cultural, linguistic, and religious aspects of Bosniaks.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Many Bosniaks celebrate Ramadan as an important religious event.
  2. The Bosniaks have a rich cultural heritage, including traditional music, dances, and cuisine.
  3. She is a proud Bosniak, deeply connected to her roots and traditions.

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