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blade bit


Definitions from WordNet

Noun blade bit has 1 sense
  1. fishtail bit, blade bit - a drilling bit with cutting edges usually hardened against wear
    --1 is a kind of drilling bit, drill bit

Definitions from the Web

Blade Bit


A blade bit refers to a type of drill bit that features a serrated edge or teeth-like projections on its tip, resembling the shape of a blade. It is designed to easily cut through various materials, including wood, plastic, and soft metals.


1. Noun - Tool: A drill bit with serrated edges or teeth-like projections.

2. Noun - Woodworking: A cutting tool used in woodworking for making intricate and precise cuts.

Sample Sentences:

1. Tool:

  • The carpenter used a blade bit to bore a hole through the thick metal sheet.
  • I need a blade bit for my drill to install the new lock.
  • With a sharp blade bit, you can easily shape and carve intricate designs in wood.

2. Woodworking:

  • The artisan used a blade bit to create detailed patterns on the wooden furniture.
  • When working on delicate woodworking projects, using a high-quality blade bit is essential for precision cuts.
  • The blade bit effortlessly sliced through the hardwood, leaving a clean and smooth edge.

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