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black operation


Definitions from WordNet

Noun black operation has 1 sense
  1. black operation - a covert operation not attributable to the organization carrying it out
    --1 is a kind of
    covert operation

Definitions from the Web


A black operation, also known as a covert operation, is a secret or clandestine military or intelligence activity conducted by a government or organization.

Part of Speech:

  • Noun


  1. An undercover military or intelligence operation
  2. A secretive and usually illegal operation carried out by a government or organization



  1. The government conducted a black operation to gather intelligence on the enemy.
  2. The special forces were involved in a series of black operations during the war.


  1. The local police department was involved in a controversial black operation to eradicate organized crime.
  2. There have been rumors of black operations conducted by the local intelligence agency.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The soldiers successfully executed a black operation to infiltrate the enemy's base.
  2. The CIA conducted several black operations to dismantle terrorist networks.

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