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beta vulgaris vulgaris


Definitions from WordNet

Noun beta vulgaris vulgaris has 1 sense
  1. mangel-wurzel, mangold-wurzel, mangold, Beta vulgaris vulgaris - beet with a large yellowish root; grown chiefly as cattle feed
    --1 is a kind of beet, common beet, Beta vulgaris

Definitions from the Web

Beta vulgaris vulgaris


Beta vulgaris vulgaris refers to the scientific name of the common beetroot, a variety of beet plant that is widely cultivated for its edible root and leaves.

Sense 1 - Noun (Plant):

Beta vulgaris vulgaris is a biennial plant from the Amaranthaceae family, characterized by its thick, fleshy, and reddish taproot.

Sample Sentence: The beta vulgaris vulgaris plant is known for its vibrant red color and its usage in both culinary and medicinal applications.

Sense 2 - Noun (Root):

The edible root of the beta vulgaris vulgaris plant, commonly known as beetroot, is known for its sweet taste and its deep red or purple color.

Sample Sentence: The beetroot's intense color and earthy flavor make it a popular ingredient in salads and smoothies.

Sense 3 - Noun (Leaves):

The leaves of beta vulgaris vulgaris, known as beet greens or beet tops, are not only nutritious but also add a unique flavor to dishes when cooked or eaten raw.

Sample Sentence: Adding beet greens to your stir-fry will not only enhance the taste but also provide a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Sense 4 - Adjective:

The term beta vulgaris vulgaris is also used as an adjective to describe anything related to or derived from the common beetroot plant.

Sample Sentence: The beta vulgaris vulgaris extract is a key ingredient in some natural food dyes and cosmetic products.

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