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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective behaviouristic has 1 sense
  1. behavioristic, behaviorist, behaviouristic, behaviourist - of or relating to behaviorism; "behavioristic psychology"

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Pertaining to or characteristic of behaviorism; emphasizing its principles and methods.

Sense 1: Relating to the theory that human or animal behavior can be explained in terms of conditioning without appeal to thoughts or feelings.

Example Sentence: The behaviouristic approach to psychology suggests that behavior can be understood and modified through reinforcements and punishments.

Sense 2: Referring to the study or analysis of behavior, especially in animals, in terms of observable stimuli and responses.

Example Sentence: The behaviouristic research conducted on rats revealed interesting patterns of learning and conditioning.

Sense 3: Expressing or exhibiting behavioristic tendencies or characteristics.

Example Sentence: His behaviouristic attitude towards education focused solely on observable learning outcomes.

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