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Term: Asuming


Asuming is an informal variation of the verb "assume," which means to suppose something without any proof or certainty. It implies accepting something as true or valid without verifying it.

Senses and Usages:

1. Verb (Present Participle)

When used as a present participle, asuming refers to the act of making assumptions or taking something for granted without evidence or confirmation.

Example sentence: My colleague kept asuming I would cover for her without even asking me.

2. Adjective

Asuming can also be used as an adjective to describe someone who frequently makes assumptions or guesses without actual knowledge or facts.

Example sentence: His asuming attitude often leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.

3. Adverb

Asuming can function as an adverb, emphasizing the action of assuming or taking something as true without certainty.

Example sentence: She just went ahead and asuming agreed to the terms without even reading the contract.

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