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arctic char


Definitions from WordNet

Noun arctic char has 1 sense
  1. Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus - small trout of northern waters; landlocked populations in Quebec and northern New England
    --1 is a kind of char

Definitions from the Web

Arctic Char


Arctic Char refers to a cold-water fish species belonging to the salmon family, primarily found in the Arctic and subarctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: Arctic Char


  1. A species of fish found in Arctic and subarctic regions.


Arctic Char is a highly sought-after fish for its exquisite flavor and vibrant pink flesh.

Sample Sentences:

  1. I caught a beautiful Arctic Char while fishing in Alaska.
  2. The local restaurant serves delicious grilled Arctic Char with lemon butter sauce.
  3. Arctic Char populations have been declining due to climate change and habitat loss.

Related Products:

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