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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A small, hard-shelled insect typically living in organized colonies, often found outdoors near plants.

Anto is a common term used to refer to a small arthropod belonging to the family Formicidae. They are renowned for their collective behavior, living in well-structured colonies, and can often be spotted near plants in outdoor environments.

Example sentence: The anto colony diligently worked together to construct an intricate network of tunnels.

Sense: An abbreviation for "action next to object" used in linguistics.

In linguistic studies, "anto" is an abbreviation for the term "action next to object." It refers to a grammatical structure where an action takes place directly next to the object it affects.

Example sentence: The sentence "I washed the car" exemplifies the anto construction as the action of washing is directly adjacent to the object, the car.

Sense: A popular name used in local culture.

"Anto" is a common given name used in various cultures around the world.

Example sentence: Anto is a popular first name in Croatia, frequently given to boys in honor of the country's rich history.

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