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american plaice


Definitions from WordNet

Noun american plaice has 1 sense
  1. American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides - large American food fish
    --1 is a kind of righteye flounder, righteyed flounder

Definitions from the Web

American Plaice


American plaice, also known as the Hippoglossoides platessoides, is a species of flatfish found in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular food fish and is characterized by its distinctive body shape, with both eyes located on the right side. American plaice is known for its delicate flavor and is commonly used in fish and chips or pan-fried dishes.

Sample Sentences:

  • The American plaice is often caught using bottom trawl nets.
  • Many North American coastal communities rely on the fishing of American plaice for their livelihood.
  • We ordered a delicious plate of pan-fried American plaice with lemon and herbs.

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