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1. Noun

Sense: Automobile Brand

Definition: Altima is a popular automobile brand produced by Nissan.

Example Sentence: She bought a brand new Altima and couldn't be happier with her choice.

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2. Noun

Sense: Model of Nissan Altima

Definition: Altima can also refer to a specific model of the Nissan Altima automobile brand.

Example Sentence: The latest model of the Altima offers improved fuel efficiency and advanced safety features.

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3. Adjective

Sense: Alternative or Different

Definition: Altima can be used as an adjective to describe something that is alternative or different.

Example Sentence: She presented an altima approach to solving the problem, which challenged the usual methods.

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4. Adverb

Sense: At an Alternative Time

Definition: Altima can be used as an adverb to describe doing something at an alternative time or in a different manner.

Example Sentence: We decided to meet altima for lunch instead of our usual dinner plans.

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5. Local Sense

Sense: Place Name

Definition: Altima can also be a local place name, usually referring to a specific neighborhood or street.

Example Sentence: They live on Altima Street, which is well-known for its vibrant community.

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