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all the satain


Definitions from the Web

All the Satain


All the Satain refers to a phrase used to express a collective or comprehensive presence of several individuals or entities that emit negative or devious energy.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


Sense 1:

Refers to a group of individuals or entities known for exhibiting negative or malevolent behavior.

Example: The neighborhood is terrorized by all the Satain who constantly engage in illegal activities.

Sense 2:

Describes an assemblage of negative or harmful vibes given off by several sources.

Example: Stepping into that haunted house, one could feel all the Satain in the air, leading to an overwhelming sense of dread.


Used to emphasize the extent or intensity of negative energy emanating from multiple sources.

Example: My cousin always brings along all the Satain with her when she visits, causing chaos and trouble wherever she goes.

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