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Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense: Defying the process of aging

Description: Age-defying refers to something that resists or prevents the effects of aging, making a person or object appear younger or more youthful.

Example Sentence: She uses an age-defying cream that helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines.

Related Products on Amazon: Age-Defying Cream, Age-Defying Serum

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: A technique or product that delays the signs of aging

Description: Age-defying refers to a range of techniques, products, or practices that aim to delay the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, or age spots.

Example Sentence: Regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential parts of an age-defying regimen.

Related Products on Amazon: Age-Defying Books, Age-Defying Diet Plan

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: To appear or act younger than one's actual age

Description: Age-defying, when used as a verb, means to make oneself appear or act younger than one's actual age, often through various lifestyle choices or cosmetic procedures.

Example Sentence: Despite being in her 60s, she age-defies by wearing trendy clothes and staying active.

Related Products on Amazon: Age-Defying Makeup, Age-Defying Fashion Tips

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