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Noun: A person or thing that causes irritation or annoyance.

Example: My little brother is always a vexer; he constantly teases me.

Verb: To cause annoyance or frustration to someone.

Example: The constant noise from my neighbor's construction work vexed me to no end.

Adjective: Relating to or causing vexation or irritation.

Example: It was a vexer situation, as I struggled to find my lost keys amidst the chaos.

Sense 2: (Local) A specific type of puzzle or game that involves solving complex problems.

Example: The vexer challenge at the local escape room required teamwork and creative thinking.

Sense 3: (Popular) A type of handheld electronic device that provides stress relief through various puzzles and mind games.

Example: The new vexer I bought is perfect for keeping my mind engaged and relaxed during my daily commute.

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