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singular form


Definitions from WordNet

Noun singular form has 1 sense
  1. singular, singular form - the form of a word that is used to denote a singleton
    --1 is a kind of form, word form, signifier, descriptor

Definitions from the Web

Singular Form

Noun: The singular form refers to a word that denotes one person, place, thing, or concept.

For example: "cat" is the singular form of "cats".

Adjective: In grammar, the singular form describes a word or phrase that is in the singular number, indicating one unit or individual.

For example: In the sentence "The singular form of the verb 'to be' is 'is'", 'is' is used in its singular form.

Verb: To singularize something means to make it singular, converting it from a plural or general form to a specific individual instance.

For example: "She singularized her thoughts by focusing on one particular idea."

Adverb: When used as an adverb, the term "singularly" means in a remarkable or exceptional manner.

For example: "He performed singularly well in the guitar solo."

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