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Definitions from WordNet

Noun serialization has 1 sense
  1. serialization, serialisation - publication in serial form
    --1 is a kind of publication, publishing
    Derived form: verb serialize1

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Serialization refers to the process of converting an object or data into a format that can be stored, transmitted, or reconstructed later.

Sense 1 (noun): The act of converting data or objects into a sequence of bits for transmission or storage.

Example sentences:

  1. Serialization is crucial in computer science for transmitting data between different platforms.
  2. The data serialization process ensures that information can be saved and retrieved efficiently.

Sense 2 (noun): The production and broadcast of a series, typically a television or radio series.

Example sentences:

  1. Many fans eagerly awaited the serialization of the popular novel into a television drama.
  2. The serialization of the radio show attracted a large and loyal audience.

Sense 3 (noun): The publication of a story or articles in separate installments.

Example sentences:

  1. The serialization of the novel in the newspaper kept readers hooked every week.
  2. Magazines often employ serializations of stories to maintain ongoing reader interest.

Sense 4 (noun): The process of organizing data structures as a sequence of bytes for storage or transmission.

Example sentences:

  1. Data serialization is commonly used in databases to store structured information.
  2. The serialization of the binary tree allowed for efficient storage and retrieval of its contents.

Sense 5 (noun): The conversion of an object's state into a stream of bytes for storage or transmission.

Example sentences:

  1. The application used serialization to save the user's preferences for future sessions.
  2. Serialization is often utilized in network communication to send complex objects between systems.

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