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Definitions from WordNet

Noun oestridae has 1 sense
  1. Oestridae, family Oestridae, Hypodermatidae, family Hypodermatidae - warble flies
    --1 is a kind of arthropod family
    --1 is a member of Diptera, order Diptera
    --1 has members: Oestrus, genus Oestrus; Hypoderma, genus Hypoderma

Definitions from the Web


Noun (singular): Oestridae

Noun (plural): oestridae

Definition: A family of flies commonly known as botflies or warble flies.

Sense 1: Any of various large, hairy, stout-bodied flies of the family Oestridae.

Example sentence: I saw an oestridae hovering around the horse's back, possibly looking to lay its eggs.

Adjective (comparative): more oestridae

Adjective (superlative): most oestridae

Definition: Showing characteristics or relating to the family Oestridae.

Sense 1: The oestridae larvae have distinct features that differentiate them from other fly maggots.

Example sentence: The veterinarian diagnosed the infection as oestridae-induced due to the presence of larvae in the dog's skin.

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