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Definitions from WordNet

Noun granddad has 1 sense
  1. grandfather, gramps, granddad, grandad, granddaddy, grandpa - the father of your father or mother
    --1 is a kind of grandparent

Definitions from the Web



Granddad is a noun that refers to a person's paternal or maternal grandfather. It is a term commonly used to show affection or respect towards one's elderly male ancestor.


1. Singular noun (Formal sense):

A singular noun referring to an individual's grandfather.

Example Sentence: My granddad taught me how to fish when I was a child.

2. Singular noun (Informal sense):

A singular noun that presents a less formal, familiar or affectionate way of referring to one's grandfather.

Example Sentence: Granddad always tells the funniest stories during family gatherings.

3. Plural noun:

The plural form of granddad, used when referring to multiple individuals' grandfathers.

Example Sentence: The granddads were all proudly watching their grandchildren perform on stage.

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