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flux density


Definitions from WordNet

Noun flux density has 1 sense
  1. flux density, flux - (physics) the number of flux changes per unit area
    --1 is a kind of concentration, density, denseness, compactness

Definitions from the Web

Flux Density


Flux density refers to the amount of magnetic field lines passing through a given area, typically measured in teslas or gauss. It is a fundamental concept in magnetism and electromagnetism.


  1. Physics: In physics, flux density represents the concentration of magnetic field lines. It is a crucial parameter when studying magnetic fields in various applications.
  2. Example:

    The flux density of the magnetic field generated by the electromagnet was significantly higher than that of a permanent magnet.

  3. Astronomy: In astronomy, flux density refers to the amount of electromagnetic radiation received per unit area from a celestial object.
  4. Example:

    The telescope detected a high flux density of radio waves emanating from the distant quasar.

  5. Electrical Engineering: In electrical engineering, flux density is used to measure the density of magnetic field lines within magnetic materials, such as transformers or inductors.
  6. Example:

    The flux density of the ferrite core played a critical role in the efficiency of the power supply.

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