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executive officer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun executive officer has 1 sense
  1. executive officer - the officer second in command
    --1 is a kind of
    military officer, officer

Definitions from the Web

Executive Officer


The term "executive officer" refers to a high-ranking position within an organization or company. This title is typically associated with individuals who hold top-level management roles and have broad responsibilities for overseeing various aspects of the business.

Senses and Usages

Sense 1: Corporate Leader

In the corporate world, an executive officer is a key leader who formulates strategic plans, makes critical decisions, and manages the overall operations of the organization. They are responsible for setting goals, directing employees, and ensuring the company's success.

Example sentence:

The executive officer of the company made a bold decision to expand into international markets.

Sense 2: Government Official

In a governmental context, an executive officer refers to a high-level official who holds significant authority in the executive branch. They are involved in policy-making, implementing laws, and managing government agencies to ensure effective administration.

Example sentence:

The executive officer of the department introduced new policies to improve public services.

Sense 3: Military Position

In the military, an executive officer, often abbreviated as "XO," is the second-in-command to the commanding officer of a military unit. They assist the commanding officer in leading and managing the unit's operations and personnel.

Example sentence:

The executive officer coordinated the deployment of troops during the military exercise.

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