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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cowcatcher has 1 sense
  1. fender, buffer, cowcatcher, pilot - an inclined metal frame at the front of a locomotive to clear the track
    --1 is a kind of framework, frame, framing
    --1 is a part of locomotive, engine, locomotive engine, railway locomotive

Definitions from the Web



A cowcatcher is a device mounted at the front of a locomotive or a vehicle to clear obstacles from the track, especially cattle.


Sense 1: Noun

The cowcatcher is a protruding frame or V-shaped plow attached to the front of a locomotive, also known as a pilot.

Sample sentence:

When the train encountered a herd of cattle on the tracks, the cowcatcher effectively pushed them aside, preventing a potential disaster.

Sense 2: Noun

A cowcatcher can also refer to a similar device attached to the front of a vehicle, such as a car or a truck, typically used in rural areas to prevent collision with animals.

Sample sentence:

The pickup truck was equipped with a sturdy cowcatcher that proved vital in avoiding accidents with stray livestock on the country roads.

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