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come over


Definitions from WordNet

Verb come over has 1 sense
  1. come across, come over - communicate the intended meaning or impression; "He came across very clearly"
    --1 is one way to communicate, intercommunicate
    Sample sentences:
    Something ----s
    Somebody ----s

Definitions from the Web

Come Over


verb phrase

1. To move or travel to the location of the speaker or listener.

2. To invite someone to one's location or residence.

3. To change to a different side or opinion.

4. Of food or drink, to be palatable or agreeable.

Example Sentences:

1. I'm feeling lonely, can you come over?

2. She came over to my place for dinner last night.

3. After discussing the issue, he finally came over to our side.

4. This cake looks delicious, I hope it comes over well.

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