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clothes closet


Definitions from WordNet

Noun clothes closet has 1 sense
  1. clothes closet, clothespress - a closet where clothes are stored
    --1 is a kind of wardrobe, closet, press

Definitions from the Web

Clothes Closet


A clothes closet refers to a storage area or compartment specifically designed for storing clothing. It is usually a small room, an enclosed space, or a cabinet dedicated to organizing and safeguarding clothes.

Sample Sentences:

  • I need to organize my clothes closet as it's becoming cluttered.
  • She kept her favorite dress in the clothes closet to protect it from dust.
  • My clothes closet is full of fashionable outfits for every occasion.

Possible Related Products:

cloth covering cloth moth clothe clothed clothed clothes clothes clothes basket clothes closet clothes designer clothes drier clothes dryer clothes fastener clothes for play clothes hamper clothes hanger clothes moth

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