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Definitions from WordNet

Noun clerkship has 1 sense
  1. clerkship - the job of clerk
    --1 is a kind of
    position, post, berth, office, spot, billet, place, situation

Definitions from the Web



A clerkship refers to a temporary position or apprenticeship, typically in a professional or legal setting, where an individual assists with administrative tasks, undertakes research, or provides support to professionals. It is an opportunity to gain practical experience, insights, and knowledge within a specific field or industry.

Senses and Usages

Noun: Legal Clerkship

A legal clerkship is an internship or attachment undertaken by law students or recent law graduates at a law firm or court. It provides them with hands-on experience in the legal profession and allows them to work closely with lawyers, observing courtroom procedures, conducting legal research, and assisting with drafting legal documents.

Sample Sentence: I am currently doing a legal clerkship at a prestigious law firm, where I am learning a lot about the intricacies of the legal system.

Noun: Medical Clerkship

A medical clerkship is a period of training or rotation that medical students undergo in hospitals or clinical settings. During this time, they are exposed to various medical specialties, work directly with physicians, and gain practical knowledge in diagnosing and treating patients.

Sample Sentence: In my final year of medical school, I will be undertaking a clerkship in internal medicine to develop a deeper understanding of the field.

Noun: Parliamentary Clerkship

A parliamentary clerkship is a position in a legislative body, such as a parliament or congress, where individuals provide support to lawmakers. They assist with research, drafting legislation, organizing committee meetings, and maintaining official records.

Sample Sentence: The parliamentary clerkship offered me insight into the inner workings of lawmaking and the legislative process.

Noun: Retail Clerkship

A retail clerkship refers to a temporary job in a retail store, where individuals assist customers, handle sales transactions, organize merchandise, and ensure the smooth running of the store. It is an opportunity to gain customer service skills and knowledge of the retail industry.

Sample Sentence: During my summer break, I worked a retail clerkship at a fashion boutique, which helped me develop excellent interpersonal skills.

Noun: Judicial Clerkship

A judicial clerkship is a position where law school graduates work with judges in courts. They assist in legal research, analyze case arguments, draft legal opinions, and gain valuable insight into the judicial decision-making process.

Sample Sentence: After completing my judicial clerkship for a federal judge, I have a better understanding of how the judiciary functions.

Related Products

To explore further resources related to clerkships, you can search on Amazon for books, guides, or materials that provide guidance on successful clerkships in specific fields.

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