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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective 5 has 1 sense
  1. five, 5, v - being one more than four
    Antonym: ordinal (indirect, via cardinal)
Noun 5 has 1 sense
  1. five, 5, V, cinque, quint, quintet, fivesome, quintuplet, pentad, fin, Phoebe, Little Phoebe - the cardinal number that is the sum of four and one
    --1 is a kind of digit, figure

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun, Adjective


1. Noun:

a. The cardinal number that is the sum of four and precedes six.

Example sentence: I have five fingers on my hand.

b. A group or set of five things.

Example sentence: The team scored five goals in the match.

2. Adjective:

a. Amounting to five in number.

Example sentence: I have five books on my shelf.

b. Fifth in a set or series.

Example sentence: This is the fifth time I'm reminding you about the meeting.

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